Speed reading course USA

Inability to study


Examining the causes of inability to study

Why does my child not read books?

Hello. I am Navid Jahanpour and in this article I want to check the causes of inability to study for you. The things I write in this article are mostly problems that I have observed in speed reading classes. Some of them were students. Some were studying in elementary school. Some were studying in university and some were adults. I listened carefully to all the problems they described to me in the speed reading classes in the USA. I would read about each of them and suggest the best solution.

  • Not interested in studying
  • Great to see reading books
  • Not having time to study
  • Reading disorder or learning disorder
  • Reading disorder or learning disorder
  • Getting tired of studying

I am not interested in studying. I have been trying to finish my books for a long time, but I am not interested in reading them. Basically, I don't feel like reading books. For example, when the professor says that you should read a book in this field, I do not show any interest in reading that book. Many times I talked with the professor to remove reading this book. I tend to listen a lot. When the teacher talks in the class, I listen well, but when I want to read a book, I can't do anything. My friends all read books and they like to read books, but I can't read books. I think that books are the enemies of my life and if I want to finish this book, it will be very difficult. The large volume of books on the one hand and not having enough time on the other hand have made me reluctant to read. I think I am unable to read the book. My friends who used to read books now have very good jobs, but not me. I think I should be able to read faster so that my interest in reading increases. I don't have time to read books. Basically, I can say that I have no problem in reading books. But I don't have time to read books. I am working I go to university. I have to do the housework myself and basically I never have time to read a book. Sometimes the people who complain about these problems are doctors and sometimes these people have important jobs in the country. They should be constantly changing positions. From the office to the university, from the university to the hospital and from the hospital to the office. These people can hardly go home and rest. Therefore, they have little time to study. Not having enough time to study is not a type of inability to study, but this group of people cannot read books anyway. The disability caused by being too busy with work is voluntary, but in fact it has made people unable to do the things they are interested in or that are important to them. It seems that today, too much work is the most important problem of people in the USA. They do not have enough time for themselves. I don't think it matters how important what we do is. The important thing is that I am left alone and I can't do the things I like. If I can read the book faster, my reading problem will be solved. I can't read at all. I can't, I really can't. For example, when I see a word, I have to spell it over and over to be able to pronounce it correctly. It may take me a few minutes to focus on a word to spell it correctly. In most cases, I cannot spell it correctly. My grades in school were always awful. Someone always had to help me at school so that I could finish my book. None of my friends read books like me. I dropped out of high school and stopped studying. Even now the problem is still there and I can't read the book properly. I get tired quickly when I read a book. Reading is boring for me. When I read a few pages, the speed becomes slower. Then it becomes slower. It gets slower again. So much so that I fall asleep and can't read a book anymore. As a result, if I read a book for an hour, I have not read more than ten pages. Reading a book is really hard and painful. It seems that students who can read books and do it easily and quickly are strong and happy students. Why can they read books but I can't read books? I think that being tired while studying is a serious problem that I need to find a solution for. Naturally, if I can speed read and finish the book faster, I'm done before I get bored. My child cannot sit still and read a book. He can't do a job correctly. I have to constantly fight with him to finish his schoolwork. He doesn't want or can't finish his schoolwork. Sometimes he locks himself in the room to finish the book, but at the end of the time, all his homework is left and he could not finish them. This is while his friends are reading books and doing their homework in less time. When he is going to read a ten-page book, I have to sit next to him and read with him until he finishes the book. He is constantly playing and this playfulness makes him not like reading books. In my opinion, this is considered an inability to study and he should be able to finish his book faster. My child does not want to read books at all. It is from the book Farari. When I give him a book to read, he fights with me. I can't convince him to read a book. Reading a book is a boring and boring job for him. He constantly plays with his friends and plays with his toys at home, but he does not read books and does not like reading books. Sometimes I think he is not literate enough to read books. If he tries hard to read a book, he reads one line and reads all the words wrongly, and as a result, he does not get any meaning from the book and abandons the book.

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