Speed reading course USA

Creative study


Creative learning and study skills

How to have creative learning changes and study skills

Although study skills are considered general nouns and refer to a set of techniques, techniques, and arts that the student can apply to gain more efficiency from his study, but here it is used as a specific noun. has been taken and the title is a training course during which the necessary trainings are given to get the maximum efficiency from the study. In a quick look at creative learning, we can make this definition: Creative learning. Creative learning is: the ability to learn the most content in the least amount of time, to always remember and remember the content easily and completely, along with creativity. Based on this definition, the reading speed should be increased so that a larger amount of material can be studied in less time, as well as study conditions and study systems and how to organize the material and record it in the memory by activating the brain and using the method Memoirs should be aware so that full and creative understanding, permanent or long memorization, as well as easy, complete and quick memorization of the material can be provided.


Complete and creative understanding

How to make changes in full and creative understanding

The goal that is considered for the creative learning training course has been determined based on its definition, and it is: complete and creative understanding, permanent memorization of all materials and without forgetting with one study, increasing the speed of studying, and remembering Comfortable and complete. In order to achieve this lofty goal, which leads to 100% study efficiency, a program has been developed that will be presented in the following pages. It is worth saying that the implementation of the educational program of creative learning and study skills has been determined, it will not exist for any of the learners who want to achieve this goal.


Speed in reading or understanding

How to have understanding while reading quickly?

Among the issues that are emphasized in study skills is increasing the speed of reading or understanding. During the training provided in study skills, we will gradually reach a stage where we will be able to read texts at a much faster speed than before. Acquiring the ability to read at a high speed does not mean that we are allowed to read any type of text at a high speed and so-called fast reading, although we have such an ability. To understand the problem, consider a driver who has the ability to drive his car at a speed of 200 km per hour, but does he cover all the routes regardless of the shape of the route and his time and the purpose of driving - for what purpose and To reach which destination and in what time and from which route does he drive - does he travel at a uniform and uniform speed? Can we or are we allowed to travel the highway at the same speed as we travel on the highways? Do we travel the straight path with sharp turns at the same speed? Isn't the fact that we want to go on a leisure trip and not neglect the beauty of the road while driving, when we go on a business trip in a limited period of time, is it not effective in changing the speed according to the purpose of that trip?


Reading comprehension speed

How to make changes in reading comprehension speed

Now, it is very easy to understand the problem: while studying, according to the purpose of that study, the type of text to be studied, the level of familiarity with the text, the amount of information and previous knowledge related to the text, the time and place of study, the time required to study We will allocate, the type of study and the study system to be practiced, our mental and physical conditions while studying and other things that are addressed under the title of study conditions, all have an effect on determining the speed and system of our study while reading that text, for example, the speed of understanding Our reading is different when reading a story and reading a scientific book. Also, when we study to have fun and fill our free time, and when we study to pass an exam or achieve a high goal. In the same way, the study is done at different speeds when we intend to receive brief and limited information and when we study to store information or criticize the content or understand the beauty of the text being studied.


Reading speed or comprehension

How to make changes in reading speed or comprehension

Various classifications of study systems - based on the rate of study - can be made, which fall into three main categories: study with high, medium and low speed. Reading is done at high speed to get general information and a brief familiarity with the text. For this purpose, you can read more than 1000 words per minute. Brief reading and rapid reading < for the purpose of getting to know the text > are in this category.


Creative learning curriculum

How to make changes in the curriculum

The design of the topics presented in this book is such as to provide the possibility of achieving the goal set for creative ideation. The creative learning training program is designed based on the definition of it and is presented in three parts: In the first part, while familiarizing with the definition and purpose of creative learning, the problem of increasing the speed of study is emphasized. In this section, we will also learn about the signs of incorrect study methods and its complications, and how to correct the study method and deal with the adverse effects of incorrect study methods. In this section, we learn techniques to increase the speed of study. In the second part, after familiarizing with the study conditions, study systems, note-taking systems, effective factors in learning and remembering, etc. are studied. In the third part, which emphasizes memory enhancement, the method of memorizing and memorizing material is taught based on activating the brain and using the right hemisphere of the brain in learning, as well as the use of association systems, mental images, and other memory aids. In each of the sections, the exercises necessary to achieve the best results from these trainings are provided, and also by conducting numerous experiments and tests, the subjects and their progress are evaluated.


Principles of correct study

What are the principles of correct study?

The first principle or stage of the principles of proper study is seeing: when we can study texts and receive information by looking at its words and lines and identifying it, even under natural conditions, studying cannot be done without looking. The second principle or stage is reading. Reading has different forms: word reading, phrase reading and thought reading. The form of reading has a definite effect on the speed, understanding, interest in reading, the degree of stability of data in memory and the rate of efficiency. The third principle or stage of receiving data is understanding: when it can be said that the study has been completed and the task of receiving data has been fulfilled, when we have understood the material being studied, whether in this case the implementation of other learning stages, i.e. memorizing and Memorizing will not be done correctly and completely, and we will be prevented from obtaining other benefits of study such as analysis and generalization, discovery and innovation, and power based on knowledge. You can get more information about this. So take part in one of the speed reading classes in USA. USA speed reading courses are available in person and online. We will be happy if we can help you in this field.


Hand-eye coordination in reading

How to have changes in hand-eye coordination in reading

Although visual comprehension is the main and most important basis for increasing reading speed, but an important tool used to increase reading speed is hand reading. Palmistry means using the hand or any line on another as a guide while reading. Reading by hand has many advantages, including directly and also by dealing with the wandering of the eyes between words and lines, it helps to create concentration, it fights with the eyes returning to the previous words, which increases the speed of reading, concentration and understanding. It follows, prevents long pauses on words and helps to deal with word reading and the limitation of the field of vision. In hand-reading, the principle of following the hand with the eye prevails, that is, the eye should follow the movement of the hand and read the words above the hand. This principle confirms these points that one should use the hand or a ruler guide while reading and the eye is not allowed to overtake the hand or stop or lag behind the hand. In order to coordinate eye and hand and take advantage of the benefits of hand reading, exercises have been considered, by doing them - by observing the principles related to it - eye and hand coordination will also provide the necessary ground for increasing the speed of studying and implementing related techniques. will come


Calculation of reading speed

How to make changes in the calculation of reading speed

Speed means traveling a certain distance in a unit of time That is: speed=(traveled distance value)/time The study time is not an exception to this rule and the distance traveled is the same as the text being studied, so: Reading speed = (reading text value) / time For those who want to increase their reading speed, we have prepared a speed reading class course in USA that you can participate in and increase your reading speed. Finish the book faster. Read more text and get a better understanding of the book


Calculation of study speed 1

How to have changes in the calculation of study speed 1

The best way to measure the amount of the studied text is to count the words, whether it is the size of the pages or the size and smallness of the lines, and the slight difference in the number of words due to the size of the letters can be ignored, so the text The study item is calculated based on its word count. Also, the best criterion for calculating study time is minutes. So: Reading speed = (reading the text of the number of words) / (minutes based on) time


study time

How to make changes in study time

To discover the correct methods of study, it is necessary to study the comparative methods and measure the indicators. The first criterion to measure, which enables rapid comparison of practices and derivation of results, is time. Since low reading speed is one of the complications and signs of incorrect study methods and also due to the emphasis on increasing the reading speed in the first part of the study skills training, a comparative study of study methods based on the comparison of the amount of time To study a single text by two readers, we find that it is equal


Study time 1

How to make changes in study time 1

Normally, we call a person who spent less time studying the text a fast reader, and another a slow reader. In the study of this section, we assume that a fast reader will be able to gain more efficiency from his study. If this hypothesis is proven, it will be concluded that to increase the rate of efficiency, it is necessary to increase the speed of study as a pillar and basis of the correct study method.


Reading and understanding texts

How to make changes in reading and understanding texts

Studying texts and understanding and memorizing them in a normal way and in the form of sentences is a practice that is against the natural behavior and structure and function of the brain, which causes its fatigue and problems in understanding the content. Also, whenever the reading speed is low, we have doubled the movement of the brain against nature, because according to the principle of increasing mental growth over physical growth, the brain has the ability to understand and receive a larger amount of material than when it is time to study in proportion to physical ability. And we don't think about it mentally, and whenever we don't act in accordance with the mental growth and speed and its way of working, we have fueled brain fatigue. We will see in the next lines that we never need to move based on our physical ability and the brain is quick to transfer the content that is displayed.


Study by reading words

How to make changes in reading in the way of word reading

When studying in the way of word reading or text reading, it is as if we use 0.1 brain capacity and its transmission speed, and due to the fact that we do not use other memory methods and favorable study conditions, brain fatigue is a definite thing. For understanding and visualizing the case, an individual Consider that he is speaking like a gramophone record, repeating each word and the interval between it and the next word takes a few seconds. Will we be able to fully understand what he is saying? Studying in the way of word reading, which is done at a low speed, has the same state of the brain as speaking. Dealing with your audience word by word and cut with a time interval between each word.


The relationship between reading speed and concentration

What is the relationship between reading speed and concentration?

In order to relate the speed of reading and concentration, consider a driver who pays attention to other issues while driving a car at a speed of 20 km per hour - a speed equal to 3 times the speed of a pedestrian. In other words, the driver can pay attention to himself. to tend to several issues at the same time, because the amount of movement of the car at the same time is low and the driver has enough time to deal with other matters until reaching the end of his confidence limit. Now, if the speed of the car increases to 200 kilometers per hour, can the driver focus on other issues and see the issues around him and focus on them? Undoubtedly, the answer is negative, and in order to achieve the goal, the driver must focus all his attention on the main issue - driving. This is also true when reading: if you study at a low speed, since information is transferred in a small volume, the brain quickly receives and stores that information and waits for a moment to receive the next information. remains, but since the reading speed and as a result the speed of information transfer is much lower than the brain's ability to perceive and you have not taken other systems for the presence of the brain, the brain provides its own program, just as the car driver could while driving at speed Kam does not receive information from his surroundings apart from the main topic. If the study is done at a faster speed, the brain, like a second driver, is required to focus on the main subject - the text being studied.


Decreased reading comprehension

How to make changes in study style

One of the obvious features of incorrect study methods is not understanding the material. The reduction or lack of understanding occurs for various reasons: the lack of connection between the studied text and one's specialized field, lack of previous study and information in the field of the studied text, inappropriate environmental conditions during studying, non-compliance with the requirements and conditions of study, lack of suitable conditions. And it is necessary for the disputant to not comply with the steps before, during and after studying, the wrong study system, etc. are among the things that cause a decrease in understanding


Decrease in reading comprehension in the study

How to have changes in reducing reading comprehension in study

Does the low reading speed lead to a decrease in reading comprehension? Doubtless you remember that at the beginning of this chapter, we classified the complications and harms of incorrect study methods - according to the topic of this chapter - based on the harm of low reading speed. Therefore, it is reasonable to raise the question of how slow reading speed leads to a decrease in reading comprehension.


Reading the article

How to make changes in the subject matter

Here, the increase in reading speed and the concentration resulting from it escapes from another aspect of attention: whenever we study using the hand as a guide, it prevents the eye from wandering between words and lines, which This means saving the amount of time that would have been spent on missing words and lines and re-linking phrases together. Also, due to the prevention of discontinuity in speech, concentration remains stable. On the other hand, refraining from looking back at the previous words means reading the text in less time, i.e. increasing the speed of reading, and due to the impossibility of going back and re-reading the text, all senses are necessarily focused on the main topic, which results in the stability of the focus. Senses, understanding becomes possible.


Speed in reading

What should be the speed of study?

As it was said, the issue of reading speed was considered as one of the basic topics in this discussion. Without a doubt, we all know that every text is read according to the conditions of the text and the speed of reading is determined based on the features we have listed. The emphasized point is to have the ability to read quickly in the form of reading thoughts and reading phrases and be able to fully understand the text being studied without going back to the previous words and reading multiple times, by reducing the time of pausing on the words and increasing the field of vision. This ability does not mean that we are allowed to read all texts at maximum speed: reading texts at low speed is as harmful as reading at the highest speed. Due to the fact that a large amount of the studied sources are repetitive or explain topics that are easy to understand, it is necessary to study this type of texts quickly, otherwise the complications that we have listed will quickly come to the fore. and they deprive us of the possibility of doing a good and comfortable study, which not only prevents us from getting the desired results from that study, its bad effects will affect our mind and thinking, and as a result, we will not reach the peak of our ability and gain value. Based on knowledge, we will not achieve.


Mental slowness in studying

How to make mental changes in studying

Most of the information, especially the specialized information, is received through reading, and it is never possible to fully understand the subject by relying on other senses, without reading books and other sources. Such a person, who has limited facilities for knowing and acquiring information, can never succeed in analyzing the information accurately and understanding the hidden angles. His range of information will be limited and he will be unable to analyze the conditions and interpret the data and explain the events. He will not be able to recognize the correct methods and solve problems in the best way. His limited range of vision deprives him of the possibility of seeing all angles, and in this case, his productivity will be at its lowest level, because he will not be able to make optimal use of the facilities and conditions, and he will not be able to make meaningful analyzes. Data and discover the relationship between concepts


Mental slowness in studying

How to have changes in mental retardation in study

Therefore, whenever it is not possible to provide a basis on which to study comfortably, the resulting disabilities - which are expressed as mental retardation - are certain. Comfortable and useful study, which provides the maximum efficiency of study time, is realized when complete understanding and learning takes place, understanding and learning occurs in conditions where there is concentration and accuracy, and when it is possible to Attention concentration was achieved by providing its grounds, including increasing the speed of reading - the subject of this section. Also, due to the vast amount of information, if we cannot study and acquire information at a faster speed, we will not get a large part of the information, in which case we will make a person with knowledge and information look less compared to others, which is the same. Knowledge and inability to analyze is what we call mental retardation.


Creative learning

Creative learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and abilities using creative processes. In other words, creating theories, tests, stories, solutions, analysis, and designs as opposed to simply trying to memorize information. The following are common types of creative learning Creative Learning in the Early Years acknowledges the power of creative processes in helping children reach their full potential in the early years and beyond. Stimulating the child's imagination. Creating creativity and self-awareness in adults. Creating active environments and creative spaces

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