Speed reading course USA

Children's speed reading class


Instant speedreading class for children usa

Speed reading is closely related to reading comprehension. Mastering reading and forcing the child to read faster provides a global and complete view of the text and favors understanding the meaning of the message. By participating in a speed reading class, children's slow reading problem can be solved to a great extent. Slow reading causes a person to get stuck trying to recognize certain words, which causes them to lose focus and forget what they have already read. This leads to discouragement and demotivation, leading to abandonment. It is important to achieve rapid reading, understood as a global reading of the entire message rather than individual words. Reading focuses on getting the meaning and main ideas of the text. The meaning of each word is not important, but the ability to understand the whole text is its meaning. If we encourage this way of reading in our children, they gain important benefits by using mental processes that allow them to understand the whole.

  • Improve thinking ability, ability to understand globalization, relationships and mastery.
  • Increasing language development with speed reading by Dr. Jahanpour
  • Increasing the learning process of this skill will help the ability to create learning.
  • Reducing the time devoted to reading and anything that requires reading texts, with increased comprehension.
  • Improving academic performance


An elementary school student may have a reading problem. It means that he cannot read the book by himself, or he cannot finish the book without the help of others. These students are of two categories: A- Those who have difficulty in spelling a new word and can hardly spell that word and are unable to understand its meaning even after spelling it B- Those who know the word but shy away from the book They read, or they expect their mother to tell them the right word, or they don't have enough concentration to read a book, or they have other problems other than the problem of spelling words. The second group can participate in Nusrat's speed reading classes and increase their reading speed. These classes are held four sessions, one session a week, face to face in Tehran, Elkhebal Square or face to face, by Dr. Jahanpour. The aim of the course is to learn to read. These classes are held continuously and face-to-face in the USA.


Reading speed in children

How fast should my child study? Reading is essential for academic success. My child's reading speed may be slow, but he reads accurately. However, I like him to study faster so that he can finish his lessons on time. Therefore, he should join one of our classes. Children usually read books between 30 and 70 words per minute, and in children's psychic reading classes, we intend to double this number. If they can read between 100 and 170 words per minute, they participate in children's speed reading classes. These two classes are different in terms of content and exercises.


Children's speed reading

Children's speed reading . It's about reading at a pace appropriate for the children's age and content and purpose, but about having that purpose in the first place - it's really more about how you think about what you're reading so that you can use it for what you want. In a way that allows you to strengthen your understanding, implement your new knowledge and remember what you need to remember. When is a good time to teach children to read quickly? We are frequently asked the questions: and "At what age should they start?" The answers depend on each child's mental rather than chronological age, but in general we recommend the following. Children develop reading skills at different rates - it depends on the person. Once children have learned basic reading skills (that is, they can read age-appropriate material), it is helpful for them to learn different reading/thinking skills (caUSAtion, inference, the message or moral of the text, building vocabulary, dealing with unfamiliar vocabulary). . , etc.), and to learn different approaches to reading. Children should also be encouraged to read a lot and read for fun as this helps them gain a lot of information about how language works and therefore have experiences they can relate to when learning something new. Speed reading skills A child-centered approach to speed reading for children Always be directed to what the child wants in terms of study. If they want to interact and play an active role, let them. Sometimes though they just want to sit back and enjoy the sound of your voice reading to them. And sometimes they want to do something else entirely. Learning to read The "normal" age to learn to read is around 7 - in many countries with high literacy rates children don't start school until they are 6 or 7. Many children are ready earlier than that (especially if they read again), but it should be because they want to, not because they have to. When young children do not learn naturally for themselves, they are exposed to the school system and any reading system is fashionable. Many reading plans work for many children, but children are different and different approaches work for different children. Unfortunately, schools often don't have the resources to provide for people who don't do well in the classroom.


How can I improve my child's reading speed?

Here are some simple ways to get your kids reading pages and text with confidence. Fluent reading model. Young children naturally learn very quickly. ... stopwatch reading ... read long meetings over and over again. ... reading is one of the most important components of language learning and teaching. This forms the basis of learning how to read - just to learn from what we read. While most children acquire the basics of reading by the time they are in second grade, not all children are able to read fluently. Reading fluency is more or less a skill that enables a reader to read quickly, accurately and articulately. . ...


Speed reading and text comprehension for children

The concern of many parents is that if their child attends a speed reading class, will it harm their understanding or not? And is it possible for them to fully remember what they read and memorize it? It is also important for them whether they understand what they have read or whether the help of the parents should be accompanied by the children for a better understanding. The answer to the first question is that the education system for children in the present time is different from the past. Nowadays, children do not remember what they read. In general, memorizing is not a correct task, and in school, they are primarily asked to understand the text of the book and explain it in their own language. Reading quickly and understanding the text for children is also in line with this issue, although it is different from the wishes of parents. Parents expect their children to read the book and memorize it word for word when understanding is the priority and memorization is not the right thing to do in the current system. Regarding the second question, that parents expect children to read quickly and understand the text without taking into account the help of parents, it is necessary to explain that at the end of each period of rapid reading, we expect it to happen that children will read the book without asking parents to understand or explain it. Read yourself. The ultimate role of parents for children is to answer ambiguous questions or explain about the word that the child sees for the first time, but if the book is at the level of children's textbooks, he is expected to read the book himself, understand it and explain it. In each Nusrat reading course, although a short time is set aside for children, all these and dozens of other things that cannot be mentioned are considered, and in general, elementary school children are asked to read and understand the text together.


Speed reading games for children

Since children are interested in games and speed reading exercises are more game-based, they are the most suitable educational group for learning. Although before school, children are not literate in reading and writing, and speed reading does not mean much to them, but this thinking is caused by lack of familiarity with exercises and how to become speed readers. Eye movement speed while reading is the most important factor for speed reading. By doing speed reading exercises and games, the speed of children's eye movement increases unconsciously and they read faster while studying at school.


Children's class registration method

Children's classes for elementary school are held privately The first meeting can be held in person at the same time as registration For example, you can register for children's classes First, contact the institute and consult with the course professor about the class The institute is open every day from 9:30 to 5:30 and you can visit the institute in person every day. Considering that the class is for one person, you can attend the first session at the same time as you register. In this case, before visiting in person, call the institute and book a meeting (this call is to coordinate with the professor to attend the institute) You can start your class today Allow a month to a month and a half for this course These classes are held for groups of two at a lower cost You do not need a report card or national card to register for children's classes. And paying the fee is enough to start the class In this class, children are taught how to read their book faster, understand it and summarize its contents for you. It is also considered to keep the main content for questions and answers. After this course, students are expected to read and finish books at their own level with sufficient concentration without the help of their parents


Children's speed reading course Usa

Children's reading class is held continuously at Nosrat USA Institute.

Separate and private courses are held for pre-primary and primary school children Children's speed reading class is designed and adjusted with the aim of increasing children's reading speed Over the years, many children have come to our institution who had reading problems The parents of this group of children and even their teachers complained strongly that their child could not finish a lesson and they had to stand by him all the time to finish the book. Many teachers complain that students cannot read a lesson to the end and answer questions from the text. The students themselves also feel dumb and behind others because they cannot read the book. We have designed children's speed reading course in USA for this group of elementary school students. In these classes, which have very little time, exercises are given to students to become fast readers. At the end of the course, we see a great sense of satisfaction from elementary school students and their parents, and at the end, when students see that they can read the book even faster than other students, they have a great sense of self-confidence and satisfaction. They bring For more information and registration, please contact the central office number 02166574710


Fixing children's reading disorder by speed reading in USA

The effect of speed reading classes for children

Many dear parents contact our institute in USA and describe their child's problem as follows: My child reads very slowly. He spends a lot of time reading a book Finally, he cannot answer the questions * He opens the book and his attention is no longer inside the book * Has a problem of distraction while studying *He has the problem of trying books * At the beginning of the dictation session, he cannot catch up with the teacher and falls behind the teacher * There is a problem of writing questions in the exam session or a problem of not having enough time in the exam session Dear parents; The speed reading classes that are defined on this site are for those who want to read 400 words per word quickly, but those who read at a speed of less than 100 words per minute can take one Participate in study disorder resolution sessions In this 2-hour counseling session, while examining the way your child reads, the professor will identify minor disorders that prevent him from reading like other children, and with the help of your child, he will solve those problems. In this system, your child becomes a fast reader, but not in the sense that we have in mind. Although his reading speed is doubled

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